Music Teacher &
I provide free, high-quality music instruction through my YouTube channel with a focus on digital production, theory and composition. Sharing knowledge is my passion and I am committed to making this information available to all.
Beyond YouTube, I also have full courses available on the Udemy platform. By using the links provided here, as opposed to searching on the Udemy website, you are supporting me most directly:
One-On-One Sessions
If you’re interested in studying with me online via video-call, please fill out this form. I’m happy to work on music production and composition together via screen sharing, as well as focus on other topics like theory, ear training, mixing, sound design, etc.
Join my community!
I LOVE talking music with other people, so I created a Discord server for this purpose! Discord is essentially a free chat platform which you can use via the Discord website, desktop app, or mobile app. Check it out here: Sonic Sorcery
Join my Weekly Production Challenges, get feedback on your work, and chat with others about theory, gear, and all things music!
How You Can Support
Purchasing one of my courses supports me financially and allows me to focus more time on creating new content. As well, leaving a review on the Udemy platform is very helpful as it places the course higher in search results.
You can also become a YouTube channel member by clicking the “Join” button below any of my videos. This is a monthly donation which includes exclusive perks.
If you would like to give a one-time donation, you can do that by using the button below. All donations are greatly appreciated!
Who Am I?
My days mostly revolve around music, dog walking, and video games, accompanied all the while by my beautiful partner, Megan. We are fortunate to live in a small(ish) Canadian town surrounded by awe-inspiring natural beauty—forests, rivers, and mountains which, for me, evoke humility and reverence for this wondrous Universe.
Musically, my path has been one of self-study, allowing for an open exploration of the topics that capture my curiosity. The musicians that have influenced me most, and whom I consider my primary teachers, are W.A. Mathieu, Ted Greene, Pat Metheny, and J.S. Bach.
Philosophy, science and spirituality have long been focal points of my life. I feel them to be a single field which is deeply interwoven with the study and creation of music, each informing the other.
Humanity and our collective future have always been of great importance to me. Our potential to live in harmony with ourselves and nature, to be a blessing rather than a burden to our planet, is immense. A considerable amount of my life has been spent in research (scientific, philosophical, historical, etc), discovering and encouraging the ideas and people revealing the way forward to a prosperous and generous world for all beings.
To all of you pursuing your love of music (or whatever else it may be), I applaud and thank you. Share your gifts with the world and let your authentic expression shine! Together, we can infuse our society with beauty and love, respect and compassion.